Transform Your Room Into An Allergy-Free Spot

Everyone will definitely agree that the bedroom is the most loved space in the entire house. It is where you […]

Everyone will definitely agree that the bedroom is the most loved space in the entire house. It is where you can be yourself the most and do what you love the most.  But if your allergist says that your room can be one of the areas where you have potentially acquired your allergies then that news can be mind-boggling. It has been stated enough that having allergies and dealing with it is twice as terrible as taking your medications just to prevent it from getting worst or from attacking you again. It’s the chances when you are at your much-awaited sleep is when you will be experiencing the itching of your nose, sneezing, and the inconvenience of breathing – right within your bedroom.

So, in order to bring back the comfort and restful ambiance back in your room without worrying about allergic reactions to everything that is in your room, here are some of the “must try” advice to create your personal chamber into an allergy-free zone.


These are some no-brainer tips to keep your room from any threats of allergies.

  • Use only organic and natural cleaning products, because a commercial cleaning solution can also trigger allergies.
  • Weekly wipe your bed frame with a damp cleaning cloth.
  • Declutter your room. Fewer items give a lesser place for allergens to hide and stay.
  • Never place and keep anything under the bed. It’s even harder to clean out the dust and dust mites from under there.
  • Avoid using fabrics where bags of dust and other allergens love to penetrate, like carpets, drapes, and upholstered furniture.
  • Decorate your room with allergy-friends plants to filter the air inside your room and clean it.


Dust Mites

  • The major contributor of allergens around your room is dust mites. They love to stay in comfy soft places to dust, and it blends with the oil that you secrete throughout the day. Since you won’t like to find out more about how gross dust mites can be, here’s how you can ditch dust mites from invading your personal space ever:
    • Wrap your mattresses in an allergen cover that can protect it from dust mites that would like to linger in your sheets. These covers are tightly woven that mites will find it hard to get through and if ever they have been residing in mattress long enough, they will find it hard to come out to attack you.
    • Use pillows and comforters that are made of an allergen-free material or cover them with a protective cover. So be very particular in covering or removing all your beddings in the room.
    • Make a weekly schedule for your bedding cleaning. Use hot water when washing them to kill all the dust mites overstaying in your sheets.
    • Carpets are not advisable for allergic people, but if you happen to use one vacuum them as often as possible with a HEPA vacuum that can easily trap mites compared to traditional vacuums.


  • Pollens are experts when it comes to seasonal allergies. Pollens vary depending on the season and time of the year. Your hair and clothes are the favorite spots for pollens so whenever you come out they can still follow you when you get back. Try these tips to get rid of irritating pollens:
    • As much as possible get yourself cleaned and dress-changed every time you come home. You can use your separate bathroom to clean yourself and leave your used clothes in a separate hamper for as long as you enter your room in clean clothes.
    • Do not bring your outdoor shoes inside your room because, like clothes, pollen does cling to shoes too, so wearing them inside your bedroom will just scatter the allergens everywhere.
    • Make it a habit to take a shower before hitting your sack every night. This will wash out the pollen from your skin and hair which you have accumulated the whole day you’re out.
    • Close all your bedroom windows. Fresh air is healthy, but it also carries allergens everywhere. Just make use of your fan or AC whenever you’re staying in your room.

Your room is a place where you find solitude and peace, but with allergies that would be quite inconvenient. So, make it an everyday ritual to clean your room to prevent allergens from having a staycation. Otherwise, consult an allergy clinic to help you stabilize and treat your allergies as your way of helping yourself to totally kick your allergies off your system forever.

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